Work Sample

"The dupe" house party graphics/promo

This project was for a college house party on UNC's campus celebrating the First Day of Class (FDOC). Inspiration for the original graphic (to the left) is taken from the Great Gatsby 1920s theme mixed with a nighttime color palette. Below is further promotion graphics with inspiration taken from, the one and only, Barbie movie promos.

Meantime Coffee ad

NC's MeanTime Coffee Ad Project with MeJo 143 class: Our Meantime Coffee ad is authentic to UNC-Chapel Hill targeting students using the iconic Roy Williams portraying him drinking Meantime Coffee while attacking our competition, Starbucks. Coach K is depicted with Starbucks associating that brand negatively while positioning Meantime positively. These coaches are like celebrities on campus therefore, we are leveraging pop culture. This ad is also timely as it will run this week, aka RIVALRY WEEK. UNC students are pumped for the big game versus Duke on Saturday therefore, this ad will grab people's attention and students will be drawn to Meantime!